Digital Photography Editing

Photo of Peter
Peter Kingsbury

Group Leader: Peter Kingsbury

Venue: Verwood Hub. Weekly.

Day/Time: Tuesday 10.30 am – 12.00 noon

Dates: 15th January – 18th March

Contact: To email Peter Click Here

The Group

Further details

Photo Editing Course

Having taken your photo, chances are you will want to modify it in some way

This one term programme looks at;

Adjusting exposure in the image

Enhancing the image quality

  • Sharpening
  • Cropping
  • Vibrance
  • Using the adjustment tools
  • Using Layers
  • working with RAW images and JPG
  • Repairing blemishes
  • Enhancing selective areas
  • And many more

The editing software used will be Affinity Photo 2

  • However we will do our best to discuss how tools
    and functions can be carried out in other packages
  • The functions and tools are the same in most apps
    this programme is about learning what the various
    functions do
  • There are usually several ways to achieve things in
    a photo editing app
  • You will need a laptop to bring to the session preferably
    with Affinity or similar package loaded.

The programme is scheduled to run weekly through the winter term

The Leader

My academic background started with teaching applied business studies majoring in psychology. As time went on I moved into IT in business specialising in applied database technology and web based business applications.

My degree and post-graduate qualifications are in teaching, psychology and economics, HR and software engineering management. I became involved in Verwood u3a after my wife joined the Art Group. Because we holiday regularly in Spain I wanted to improve my language skills so I joined the French Conversation and Spanish Groups.

I’m excited to be offering Digital Photography having been involved with photography as a passionate hobby since I was ten. I had my own wet darkroom and worked with every darkroom colour process that came in during those years until 2003 when I switched to digital.