Group Leaders Library

This part of the website is intended for Group Leaders of Verwood u3a.

This is where you’ll find the resources to help you run and manage your groups.

If there is anything you would like to see included in this section of the website please get in touch with our Group Liaison Officer, Diane Northam (eMail).

Beacon For Group Leaders

Group Leader Instructions for Beacon. This guid will help you to login to Beacon and allow you to add your group members and their details. Send emails to all or some members. Add details to the u3a calendar about your group. See who are current members of Verwood u3a who are in your group. Click here to view/download.

Group Leaders Forms

Click links to view and download forms
(click the back button on your browser to return to this page)

Attendance Register

Emergency Contact Details

Member Contact Details

Sharing of email addresses with members of the group

Starting A New Group

Providing Information

First you should contact our Group Liaison Officer to make sure of group and venue viability.

Once you have all the information and any images you would personally like to see on your page, including a photo of yourself if you want that on the page.

Then complete the form for providing the webmaster with information required. Webpage Information Form.

Thank you for your participation in building our u3a.