Make the most of life and join with our 350 + members by exploring new ideas and interests with Verwood u3a.
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  • Photo of man with wheelbarrow gardening

Verwood u3a is part of a National and International Organisation for people no longer in full-time employment, there are no age boundaries. Our aim is to help people get the most out of life by providing the facilities for group activities. We have groups from discussion and art groups through to music and badminton, and just about everything in between. Please visit our ACTIVITIES page for more information.

Tales from the Fayrewood

Written by our very own Writers Circle Group now available on Amazon

This is an eclectic and supernal collection of stories and articles by all the current members of the Verwood u3a Writers Circle, published for your delectation and delight.

Buy your copy now by clicking here

Jewellery Making Workshop

Friday 21st February
10:00 am – 12:00 noon at The Hub

We will be making necklaces. There are two designs to choose from.
Cost £2.50 to cover materials.
This Workshop is open to all Members.

Members are required to book their place.

Jewellery Workshop Webpage

Spotlight On Our Groups

Cooking From Scratch

This course is for people who may not cook regularly or have never cooked and the impact that might have on their lives.

intention is to help avoid ready-meals, using raw ingredients whenever possible, but utilising some pre-prepared items like pesto, puff-pastry, curry paste, etc., where it would be expeditious and help save time, rather than spending hours in the kitchen.

To book your place email John here

Travel Through My Lens

The Travel Through My Lens travels round the world continue next Thursday 20th February at 10.30 am in studios 2/3 at the Hub.

Colin English will be taking you on a wildlife safari in South Africa, visiting a small private reserve and also the largest of all reserves, the Kruger National Park. We meet all of the Big Five and get glimpses into their way of life. South Africa is not just about the big five and we will see a wide variety of other mammals and beautiful birds.

The meeting is open to all u3a members, but please let Colin English know if you will be attending. Email Colin Here

Photograph by Colin English

Forest FM logo

Forest FM Interview

Dave Timpson talking to Forest FM’s Richard Oliffe about his passion “Jazz” Dave runs the Jazz Appreciation Group (January 2025).

Listen to other u3a interviews on our
Forest FM Page

Marie Curie Great Daffodil Appeal

Marie Curie’s Great Daffodil Appeal is back this year, and they are collecting at Verwood Morrisons. Volunteers are needed on Thursday 6th March 2025 in particular but other dates may be available. It would include collecting donations and handing out yellow daffodil pin badges.

Help is needed from 9am – 5pm, 2 collectors per shift (9am-11am, 11am-1pm, 1-3pm and 3-5pm).

Details can be found on the website (click here)
Alternatively, contact the organiser, Kara, for further information. / phone 07712691510