Verwood u3a Committee
Would you like to have your say in running Verwood u3a?
We have vacancies for three Committee members and are looking for people who can help to fill specific roles. In particular we are seeking a member to work with John Morris, as his deputy, with a view to take over his role as Treasurer in the future. We are also seeking a member to work with Diane Northam in preparation to take over the role of Venues and Group Leader Coordinator. There is no requirement for a person to have been a member with Verwood u3a for any specified length of time – we are more interested in the skills you can bring to this voluntary role.
Jan Mills has one more year to run as Chair and will complete her term of office in October 2025. We need a Vice Chair to work alongside Jan over the next year; someone who will be prepared to take over as Chair next year. If you are interested in joining our Committee, please contact either Jan Mills (Chair) or Howard Wells, (Vice Chair).
Committee Members
Janine Mills. email
Vice Chair:
Howard Wells. email
Jo Dix. email
John Morris. email
Diane Northam. email
Tony Wilson. email
John Tolley. email
Committee Meeting Minutes
Please click the date below to view.
Gareth Mills. email