Membership Application & Renewal Form

IMPORTANT – Please make sure there is space for you in your chosen activity by contacting the Group Leader on the relevant group page on this website.

Membership Status (required)

Membership Fee from September 2024 to August 2025 is £50.00.
Add £10 for each weekly group for the year (please select weekly groups below).
National u3a Magazine; Please add £4 extra.

Bank Transfer:
Please write Membership and your Surname as reference and pay:
Verwood u3a.
Sort Code: 20-72-37.
Account Number: 80233196.

Payable to Verwood u3a with your Name, Postcode and write ‘Membership’ on the back and then send to…
Verwood u3a Treasurer
22 Oaklands Close

Please explain in the Other Details box below.

Choose any weekly groups below (each group will cost an extra £10 per year to be added to basic fee of £50)

u3a Magazine at £4 extra?(Click an option – required)

Payment of fee options. (Click an option – required)

Choose one (required) Verwood u3a can claim gift aid from the government at no cost to you

I agree by submitting this membership application my details can be shared with committee members, group leaders and administrators of the Verwood u3a.

Please Answer Every (required) Field.
Failure to do so will prevent the form being sent.