Message From The Chair
Welcome to Verwood u3a!

As we move into 2024 our community continues to grow. We now have 340 members and provide more than forty activities, groups and events.
We are now running sessions over a specified time period. Members enjoyed our very popular series of Geology talks that were held during October and November 2023. This format appealed to members as they were only committing to be part of a group for a short time. Similarly, our monthly events and workshops mean that people attend only those that are of particular interest to them. Our regular groups enable members to develop and maintain friendships with people with shared interests.
Verwood u3a offers a very diverse range of activities – physical, musical, educational, recreational, creative and social opportunities. From January we are offering three new groups: Walking & Hiking, Astronomy and Sugarcraft; as well as a series of four talks on ‘The Eye and Vision’.
The membership fee for the rest of the Academic year, January to August 2024, is £30. This is excellent value for money as you can attend several group within this fee. Have a look through our Website to see the many exciting opportunities available.
We plan to continue to grow and offer affordable activities to people who are no longer in full time employment. If you have a skill, an interest or a hobby that you would like to share with other people, either by starting a new group or giving a ‘one-off’ or a series of talks, then please get in touch with us using our Contact Us form.
Jan Mills (Chair). email