DIY Investment Group
Group Leader: Paul Thackeray
Venue: Video conference using ZOOM. Fortnightly.
Day/Time: Wednesday 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm
Contact: email Paul here
The Group
Even though the bank base rate has increased recently, the return on most savings is still derisory. If you want something better then perhaps the best thing to do is to manage your own investments and cut out the bankers, accountants and financial advisers. This group will show you how.
The Group will allow up to 18 members to:
- learn how to buy and sell shares
- filter the 3700 UK listed companies to find those that meet your investment criteria
- analyse a company to assess its fundamental soundness and strength
- determine the optimum time to buy and sell a share
Fortnightly meetings will comprise two parts with a coffee break. The first part will be educational, the second a discussion of possible investment opportunities.
Individual members will be invited to suggest shares they have identified for adding to a dummy portfolio, giving their reasons. The group will discuss these. If accepted for inclusion the ongoing performance of the share will be reviewed and discussed at subsequent meetings.
Members will need internet access at home to make the most of what they learn.
Members will never be asked to divulge any personal data other than their name, telephone number and email address. The group will never give financial advice and it will be for individual members to do their own research before acting on anything discussed in the group. The group will not be open to any person seeking to recruit clients for financial services.
The Leader
Paul has never worked as a professional financier, investment advisor or accountant. He is an enthusiastic amateur who has been running his own portfolio of shares and funds for many years.
Paul worked for most of his life in what has now become known as the cybersecurity industry helping banks, governments and businesses throughout the world protect their financial and intellectual assets.
Having experienced the amounts of money being paid out from his pension, ISA and shares funds to ‘IFAs ‘and ‘Wealth Managers’ he decided many years ago to run his own portfolios alongside the ‘professionals’. The results spoke for themselves and he now enjoys investing and trading in what has become a profitable and enjoyable hobby.
Mike is very keen that point out that he is not a lecturer or teacher. He expects members to play an active role in the group meetings as this is, in his view, the best way to learn.