Dog Walking
Group Leader: Peter Cornforth
Venue: Various. Fortnightly.
Day/Time: Wednesday. 10.30 am
Contact: email Peter here Tel: 07468 584709
The Group
Welcome to the Social and Dog walking group. We walk alternate Wednesdays starting at 10:30 . Our walks are typically 1-1 ½ hours either local or a short drive away, often ending up in a café or pub for coffee / lunch. Directions and maps to the starting point will be provided beforehand by email and car sharing is possible.
Working together we use our local knowledge to plan a good variety of walks.
Well behaved dogs and humans (with or without a dog) are always welcome.
The Leader
I moved here with my wife Lesley in 2019 for semi-retirement following my 35-year career in laboratory instrumentation. Soon after moving in, we went into lockdown and everything changed. We are keen motor homers and we used to take long winter breaks in Southern Europe along with other like-minded campers. We had dog friendly walks organised there. Sometimes the groups were large with 40 or more people and 20 dogs. This all worked well, the walkers and the dogs all had a good time. So earlier this year, once lock-down started easing we thought it would be worth trying something similar locally.