Knitting Group

Photo of Carolyn Whitlock
Carolyn Whitlock

Group Leader: Carolyn Whitlock

Venue: Group Leaders Home. Fortnightly.

Day/Time: Wednesday 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm

Contact: email Carolyn here Tel: 01202 820982

Call or eMail to register your interest, as numbers are limited to ten

The Group

We are happy to welcome beginners, experienced knitters and everything in between. We have supported a number of charitable causes in the past – notably the Lullaby Trust. Other causes include the Little Yellow Duck project, Age UK (through the Innocent drinks Big Knit) and Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day.

Group members can work on their own projects, be it toys, jumpers, accessories or whatever they would like to bring. The group is informal and friendly and willing to share expertise and learn new techniques.

We look forward to seeing you. Do call to register your interest, as numbers are limited to ten.

Craft sale table for Save the Children.
The Leader

Since moving to Verwood in 2018, I have worked part time. Now fully retired, I spend much of my time knitting. My grandmother and mum taught me to knit when I was five and in recent years I have run knitting groups at work and passed knitting skills onto younger colleagues.

The Knit and Natter is a chance to meet and chat while keeping fingers busy. I look forward to sharing the love of knitting with Verwood u3a.

Beautiful jacket knitted by one of our knitting group