Mens Discussion Group

Group Leader: Howard Wells
Venue: The Verwood Hub. Fortnightly
Day/Time: Wednesday 10.30 am – 12 Noon
Contact: eMail Howard here Tel: 07710673235
The Group
This is new idea, not necessarily mirroring the Women’s Discussion Group. It will be non-political and discussions will not be about current affairs. The intention is to consider issues which affect and are of interest to men specifically and to encourage members to enjoy the company, have fun and help to adapt to this changing world.
Today is the youngest we will ever be, also the oldest, so the aim will be to discuss ways of maximising the time we have left on this planet and to look forward with confidence.
Come along and help us make a difference together?
The Leader
Howard Wells spent his entire career working in sport, making his hobby his job. He set up four new organisations from the outset, two off which were in Hong Kong, where he spent fifteen years. He was awarded the OBE in 2013, for Services to Sport and in 1988, in Hong Kong was one of ten recipients of the Courvoisier Award for Business Excellence.
He has been in a relationship with a former school friend, Sue Coveyduck since 2016 and came to Verwood in 2020 to spend a week with Sue, but got locked down and has been here ever since.!
Howard is the Vice-Chairman of Verwood u3a.