Verwood u3a Quiz

Quiz Planning Team: 
Sue Coveyduck, Howard Wells, Nancy Tolley & John Tolley

Venue: Verwood Hub.

Dates/Time: Please see calendar (in main menu).

There is a charge of £1.50 each to pay for the prizes (please bring cash).

email to register your team, couple or individual.

All members are welcome to join in the u3a bi monthly quiz.  The aim of the quiz is not about the knowing but the participation and whilst doing so, to have some fun.

There will be five sets of questions with twelve questions in each section on random topics, some you’ll like and some you possibly won’t!

Teams consist of four people and we ask that you to register your team or yourself by clicking here.

The £1.50 entry fee is used to buy the many prizes for losers and winners.

We are very happy for individuals or couples to sign up and be allocated a team on the day.

Tea and coffee in The Hub cafe is an after quiz indulgence.