Reading Group
Group Leader: Julie Allen
Venue: Group Leaders Home. Monthly.
Day/Time: Second Wednesday of the month 11.30 am – 12.30 pm
Contact: email Julie here Tel: 01202 823541
The Group
Do you usually have a ‘book or two ‘on the go’?
You will find that being a part of the Reading Group enlarges your reading experience, so come and join us.
Whether It’s fiction, poetry or prose, funny or serious, classic or modern; come and share your views with us.
We meet monthly when we discuss the ‘book of the month’ chosen by the group members.
The Leader
I moved to Verwood from Buckinghamshire in 2012 and have found Verwood to be a very friendly place, and as we knew no-one we joined the U3A to meet other people and broaden our horizons. Now we can rarely walk into the village without meeting a new friend.
We have three sons with families, and four of our five grandchildren live abroad, so we travel to visit them on a regular basis.