Rotary Rustic Fayre 2023

Once again we held our Verwood u3a stand at the Rotary’s Rustic Fayre on August Bank Holiday Monday.

Sue Coveyduck (Women’s Discussion Group) had arranged an army of member volunteers to run the stand. This was extremely successful and throughout the afternoon we had a continuous flow of people interested in finding out more about our u3a.  

The u3a stand attracts lots of attention.
Ladies of the u3a enjoying a quiet five minutes before the next rush
Some of The Ukulele Group performing

As usual The Guitar Plus group and The Ukulele group entertained the public with their performances of well known songs. On occasion we had quite a gathering of people enjoying the music and singing along. They deserved their well earned applause. 

Some of the Guitar Plus Group performing at the Rotary Rustic Fayre

We have interest from some potential new members as well as offers to run two new groups and give a talk on heart health. All in all a very successful event.

Massive thanks to Sue and her willing and enthusiastic team of around 20 helpers for your time and hard work!

Three members of the Guitar Plus Group getting ready to perform for the Rustic Fayre visitors.
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang making an appearance