Travel Group

Group Leaders:
Sylvia Page & Sue Wallis

Venue: Various Destinations

Day/Time: Various Days & Times

To email Sylvia click here
To email Sue click here

Non members travelling on u3a trips are NOT covered by u3a insurance

Explore Brighton with the Travel Group

Why not come and join us on our next trip to Brighton on Thursday, August 29th.
Wander through the Lanes, visit the Pavilion or promenade on the Pier – the choice is yours!

For more information, click here

Bicton Park Botanical Gardens Visit

A visit to Bicton Park Botanical Gardens has been planned for Tuesday, 30th July 2024. This promises to be a wonderful trip in the height of summer with glorious gardens to wander through and admire. Highlights to look out for are the fragrant English borders and elegant water features with the stunning backdrop of the Palm house; and there is even a woodland railway to book on the day.

For more information click here

Trip Suggestions Please

We are requesting ideas for trips from members. Please put any places you would like to visit in the form and send them to us. We will then try to organise our trips accordingly.

Thanks, Sylvia & Sue

The Travel Group has been running for a few years now.  We aim to organise trips for all members of Verwood u3a and we try to find places that would interest everyone.  These are usually day trips but we have also organised trips further afield.  For instance:

  • WWI Battlefields in France
  • Thursford, Norfolk to see the amazing Christmas collection of Traction Engines, and Light and Variety Show
  • Bletchley Park and Oxford
  • Kynren, Durham to see the amazing open air enactment of history through the ages
  • Chichester Harbour and Fishbourne
Future Trips

Among trips for this year we are planning the following, although the dates are not all  confirmed yet:

  • Windsor
  • Oxford – Bodlean Library, Ashmolean, Pitt Rivers Museum, shops, etc
  • Etches Collection, Kimmeridge (planned as a field trip for the  Geology Group)
  • Poppy Factory
  • Theatre trip
Past Trips

Click on the trip below to view photographs and information about the trip