The Electric Band

Group Leader: Mike Dolan

Venue: Woodlands Village Hall. 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month.

Day/Time: Wednesday 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm
(with an hour before and after for setting up and packing away time)

Contact: email Mike here

Please Note: The Guitar and Ukulele sections are now full.
We have started a waiting list. Please email for more information.

The Group

This group is aimed at musicians who would like to play their instruments as a part of a group. It is mainly for Electronic Instruments like electric or electro-acoustic guitars, electric or electro-acoustic ukuleles, keyboards or any instrument that can be played through an amp. This includes wind instruments that can be played through a mic.
We have a drummer and a keyboard player at this time.

The group is for people who can already play their instruments above the beginner level, but also for people who would like to improve their playing with the help of others in the group. “A rising tide raises all ships”.

You do not have to read music as most of the music sheets will be chords and lyrics and we will cover all musical genres.

You would need to have access to emails and the internet and a printer if you use paper music sheets or a device that you can use to view the PDF sheets digitally. If you’re not sure please get in touch.

The Leader

“In the band I’m referred to as Dino. I have played guitar since I was 17 and I’m still learning. I have played in many groups over the years and run some of them – from folk to cabaret to social club to church worship to blues to R’n’B to heavy rock. Mainly I’m attracted to blues and Southern Rock as well as having been a dedicated Stones fan since I heard “I Wanna Be Your Man” in the dressing room whilst skipping a school sports lesson. But I’m open to all music; and yes I do go to the Opera, too!

I’m very keen that all the members of the Electric Band get that special buzz of playing with others – the whole being greater than the sum of its parts, to coin a phrase.”

If you would like to play music in a friendly environment then please get in touch.